
How to create Lesson Chapters

Lesson chapters are useful for structuring longer lessons without having to split them into smaller videos. They allow your students to quickly jump to specific sections and skip parts that are less interesting to them.

The lesson edit view and how to add lesson chapters

Video Walkthrough

Add lesson chapters

When you upload a lesson, we auto-generate chapters for you. You can edit these chapters and add new ones in the Edit lesson view. Simply click on the Edit button behind a lesson when you edit a course and you’ll see this view. You can add as many chapters as you want, but they all need to have the following format:

MinuteMinute:SecondSecond Chapter Title

# For example, these are two chapters that start at
# 1 minute and 27 seconds and 10 minutes and 5 seconds:
01:27 First Chapter
10:05 Second Chapter

Note that you always need two digits on both sides of the colon. If your minute or second is a single digit, add a 0 before it. So, one minute becomes 01 and 5 seconds become 05. If you have zero minutes or seconds, add 00 instead. So, a chapter at the very beginning of your lesson would have the timestamp 00:00.

Once you added your lesson chapters, you should see them in the video above once you hit Save Lesson

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