The cover image of the video course

Building Forms with Phoenix Liveview

The ultimate guide to building forms in Phoenix LiveView

Web development is 50% tables and 50% forms. This video course teaches you everything you need to know about the second part, the forms. After this course, you will be confident enough to write forms like a pro!

The course dives into the new way of creating forms with Phoenix 1.7 and LiveView 0.20. It introduces the Form struct and the new to_form/1 function in Phoenix.Component. It explains how we used to write forms before Phoenix 1.7 and how that changed to the new standard using Heex templates and the <.form>-tag.

You will learn how to build Forms with:

  • Schemaless Changesets
  • Embedded Schemas
  • Schema Changesets
  • Dynamic Form Fields
  • Nested Form Fields

Building forms is a fundamental skill that every developer must master. Usually, it takes years to learn what this course teaches you in hours!


4 Modules - 25 Lessons - 3h 41m total length - 1440p
01 - Introduction
02 - History of Forms
03 - Project Setup
Schema Changesets
Learn how to reuse your existing schema validations in forms
04 - The 3 Main Ways of working with Forms
05 - Schema Changesets - Create a new Meerkat
06 - Core Components
Schemaless Changesets
Learn how to create small changesets for quick form validations.
07 - Schemaless Changesets - Filter Meerkats
08 - The Form Struct
Embedded Schemas
Learn how to build complex forms with both dynamic and nested fields
09 - Introduction to Embedded Schemas
10 - Create an Embedded Schema
11 - Validate and Save the Notes Form
12 - Add dynamic Form Elements with embeds_many
13 - Build deeply nested Forms
14 - Outro
Bonus Videos
These videos extend the course and focus on one small topic each
15 - Multi-step Forms
16 - Composite Form Fields
17 - Render UI Elements based on Form Input
18 - Auto-recover Forms from Disconnects
19 - Quickly Reset Forms
20 - Composable Query Filters
Bonus: many-to-many Associations in Embedded Schemas
Coming soon
Bonus: Dynamic Forms with JSON Schemas
Coming soon
Bonus: Reorder dynamic Forms using Sortable.js
Coming soon
Bonus: Forms with File Inputs
Coming soon
Bonus: Select-all Checkboxes in Forms
Coming soon

Price: €80.00

We always charge in USD. Est. Price: $82.91

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Created by The creator profile picture Peter Ullrich

Price: €80.00